Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Does 1 Blue Line Mean On My Clear Blue Easy Ovulation Stick What's Going On With My Cycle?

What's going on with my cycle? - what does 1 blue line mean on my clear blue easy ovulation stick

With a 25mm cyst on CD4 and was told that I was on Clomid (2 tablets already taken to stop) to.

The time up to 98 degrees (normal after ovulation not before).

I had fertile cm, collar and weaknesses in Ovucue predicts ovulation CD9 and CD12, but then my temperature dropped to 97.7 in PCOS and CD12 was negative. Temp Two days later rose again to 98.1. 19 ccm, there were more points, which lasted 3 days. The CD22 was my cm fertile again for 2 days and the temperature dropped to 97.6 for 6 days. I had to get af, but never, not even spotting.

I have my Ovucue on day 5 and began to use it. Peak was detected (hormonal changes that occur before ovulation) and now says that ovulation is 3 days. I took a OPK and it was very positive, but I took my Clear Blue Easy and is) not even on the level 1 (CM is fertile and not fertile (which is similar to cm after ovulation) and the temperature rose to 98 degrees. I think that was my monitor Ovucue, but I found the OPK Anser was very positive, so that we have a LH surge, but why is cm, and temperature as the outside (such as) after ovulation? I do not know if you think I am now 9 days late or new 9 days in a cycle.

I do not know whether you want the spots my time and Clomid is such a poor surface only seen or what. It has very negative HPT today.

I do not know what they think - if you are not ovulating?
Why does the body acting weird?
Does anybody know how the body back in sync? I started Vitex 3 days ago.


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